Abused but not broken…

I missed a day of blogging from sheer exhaustion!! I’ve read nothing in the rules about not being able to repeat a happiness so I’m going to tell you that for both days my Happy has been my family. If you could see my face right now you’d see the biggest kool-aid type of grin!

I spent yesterday with my husband children. It brings me pure joy to watch them interact. You see, I grew up without my father being around and I always wondered what that was like. To see them playing, joking, laughing, having their “talks” (because they each have to have their own little talks with dad because everything isn’t about me lol) brings me so much joy. I can’t even explain it. I even revel in the feeling of sharing the parenting experience as if I’m watching a lovely family film and pretending I am involved…..but I am! It’s amazing!

Ok now that I read back over that paragraph I’m thinking I sound a little crazy, but oh well. I’m living in the blissful small details of my life. I’m loving my family and appreciating each of them. Today I watched my children with the same awe and amazement. My son is half way through the teen years, standing taller than me, and finding himself and I’m looking at him with pride and hope. And my daughter is a prissy little princess much smarter than I imagine a child her age should be. I’m still prideful and hopeful.

So my last 2 days of happy is my family. My appreciate, amazement, and love for them. I am a blessed woman!!!

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